Sunday, October 15, 2006

Random Thoughts


Can you show someone how much you love and care for them
Why is it then wrong to expect the same
The occasional hand on my shoulder, the assuring hug is all I ask for
Is it me or is it them, I shall never know
Do I or do I not deserve it, I shall never know


Countless memories all locked up inside me
Tears of joy, tears of happiness fill my heart
But why is there a void that my heart refuses to explain to me
What is it about these memories that I want to forget


Walking along the beach on a moonlit night
The waves lapping at your feet
The subtle looks, the unspoken words
The warmth of your hands, the closeness
Wish time stood still and this love everlasting


At 1:24 PM, Blogger fallenangel said...

nice..but if time stands still then how do u learn from ur do u learn to move on....i sincerely wish this world in ur head really existed...

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Trevor Penn said...

if time stood still, then everything is everlasting. :P

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Apple said...

if time stood still for just those moments sweetie, u know wht i mean :)

the above reply holds good for u too :D

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... poetic.. are u asking someone these questions..the expectations one.. or chumma wrote them..which ever.. nice

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The love that you have drifts in waves to your feet too on the moonlit night. He sees the waves lapping at your feet too.

The warmth and closeness are safe now. For the treasures of the mighty ocean are secret and it is your love alone that can reach the mighty depth.

Sorry, I can only talk in prose. You simple thoughts inspire me.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Apple said...

@ Anon,

Hey Thanks!!
ur reply sound so encouraging, wish i could know who u were :)

At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous above is not the same as the anonymous below. Was your message directed to both?

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Apple said...

I realized its not same person, I know who the first one is, wanted to know who the second is,i.e., who u are if ur ok about revealing ur identity :)

At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nopes :)

Anyway, you know Appu- Yestarday I had a headache for some reason. I came home from work and as I read your comment I was smiling and was happy. I didn't seem to mind the headache for the evening after that. Thanks for that.

The few times till now that I visited your blog were good, in a small way. Indeed small things can bring great joy.

I will not continue replying after this. I do not want the string to continue since I will always be anonymous.

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am convinced that I should provide an addendum to my message above. So here it is.

Please, do not misunderstand me. I am not someone who likes you a lot or even some one whom you would consider a friend (though you may without any hesitation call me so). I just appreciated few things in few lines here and thats it.

I guess my past experiences have caused me to write this.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Apple said...

Well, you can continue to be as evasive as you have been so far and you may not want to reveal urself but do continue to read my blog because it would make me happy knowing that it brings a smile to your face from time to time.

On a side note, I do not know how I can call you a friend when I hardly know you.( I said hardly, b'coz u called me Appu,only ppl who know me, call me that) Also, your addendum to the earlier message is because you feel you have to do what you do, right....

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My last message should be read in this sense

“… not someone who likes you a lot…” – I like you but not beyond limits. I did not mean anything like I do not like you.

“.though you may ….call me so)” – If someone told my name to you and enquired whether you knew me, you would say he/she (whatever I am) is my friend. But I am only an acquaintance (friends are special, aren’t they). I was not sure if you got me that way.

I know you like Holmes stories. I have given you enough clues for you to figure out who I am. Logically of course, there is no need for you to spend time or effort t in that. It’s definitely not required.

Regarding continuing to read your blog- it brings some old memories back to me which I though like, would rather keep away from. So, I am not sure I will after sometime. But like many other things about my many friends (or acquaintances), I will always remember that you said that a smile on my face will make you happy too. Though you specifically mean it to say- by me being happy by reading your blog, I would always remember it as a nice gesture from someone good at heart.

I believe wherever anyone is, whatever anyone does, even a misunderstanding- the right frequencies from the heart that is pure and true will always reach destination. I do not want to be too philosophical. You may miss the point or feel I am raving.

And you are right- I left an addendum because I felt it was the right thing to do. And, this one too.

I was better off than saying “I will not continue replying after this. I do not want the string to continue since I will always be anonymous.” Well, may be from now…

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand that you might have recieved my penultimate message in a wrong sense. I am not good at communication I realize, for I had written sentences that can be taken to be on the positive note but the same time can also be read to mean that they indicate negativities.

Probably I am not that strong at English.

On a personal not Appu, this is what happens in my life. Misunderstanding of both my actions and thoughts and believe me, you are not the one I am talking about here... -this is just pouring my heart out, having not talked in a while to any person that I had known. May be you understand why I fear to show my name...yah, may be...

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Apple said...

well, just pick up the phone, n see if you can talk it doesn't have to be just me who does the talking all the time :)

like you said above, "the right frequencies from the heart that is pure and true will always reach destination"'......

trust me...when the intentions are right, everything falls into place immediately and remember this, if you need someone to talk to, I will always do my best as a friend/acquaintance

good luck with everything.....

At 9:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean my quote at an unconscious level, not at a conscious level. Because at the latter level, everyone is what they are are and will not want to listen. With the person who misunderstood me, I was never beind in picking up the phone and trying to talk (and undestandably that created more misunderstandings). It worked but once in the sense that I was able to talk and a cursory one after that. But I guess it never will work anytime again. I just believe that maybe it was all for good. Now it doesn't matter. For I converted my depression to a source of inspiration from that very person who misunderstood me.

Thanks for listening to all these comments till now. I realize you wouldn't be interested further.

Good luck for your future too.

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Apple said...

my good luck with everything meant with regards to wht you are going through now, it did not mean I wasn't willing to listen.... If I wasn't interested in it, I would have never said pick up the phone and talk....

you know, everyone of us is different and so are the situations/circumstances they are in.... Well, before you say I'm getting too serious, let me stop

If this has been your means to talk, I'm hoping it has helped....

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, to a certain extent, it did :)


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