Friday, November 10, 2006

The Miracles

This group calls itself “The Miracles”. One would think it is just another new pop/boy band out on the block but when my colleague suggested who would benefit if we went to their concert, I said yes without thinking twice about it. This group consists of individuals with intellectual disabilities who perform at various congregations and churches throughout the country and have performed also at the White House. They live in a community called “The Baddour Center” in Senatobia, Mississippi. You can check out to read more about the center.

You would not believe till you look closely enough that some of them have any kind of disability and they strive hard to live a comfortable life doing everything as the rest of us do. Music they say crosses every barrier. Case in point being one of the members of the group who struggled very hard to even say his name did not miss a single beat and was able to sing every word clearly. It was amazing watching them sing and having fun throughout the whole one hour. They received a standing ovation for atleast five minutes and the happiness on their faces was worth everything there is to it.

Seeing them made me realize how we crib and make a big fuss over very small things in life while everyday is a struggle for them and yet they seem to lead a much more satisfied life. Wish we could do a lot more for them to make them be part of the rest of the world and not have them stay in places specially built for them.

Words would do little justice to explain my feelings that evening. I came back home with a prayer in my heart that God would give them the strength to live a happy and a wonderful life. If we “normal” people as we call ourselves would do our bit to bring a smile to their face, it would make a world of difference to them. It definitely did bring tears and a smile to my face watching them sing that evening.


At 12:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good One Apple. I'm intrigued and inspired. Thanks!

Guess who!

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sure thing...i agree..we 'normal's crib abt all trivial and insignificant things..only coz we dont have any major things to crib is a matter of relativity..i guess..but the fact remains..
cribbing is injurious to health

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Saiki said...

Hi Apple,

Ur gettin better with time(like good wine :-)). Miracles was good. Infact it was a long way better from "My first". Great going.

One more thing ...I agree with your thought that normal people often make a big deal about every day life. The truth is they are doing miracles in their own way but fail to see them as they are in a hurry.

Life is what happens to you when u are making plans.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Apple said...

@ Saiki,


Liked wht u said abt "Life is what happens to you when u are making plans"

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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